Sunday, April 29, 2012

Dare to be a Disciple, Day 5

Blow Up!
we serve a God who pursues each individual, and can do that through people.
In John 5:15, the paralyzed man ran and told others.
WE are called to be noticeably different, because the world lives for themselves.
"Break my heart for what breaks yours" is a song that embodies this.
We can blow up by learning to LOVE people, and to be dedicated to bring them close to God.
Rom 10:14-15. Feet are beautiful when sent by God :)
1 John 4:8, if you can't describe God, SHOW THEM!
"Preach the gospel at all times, and when necessary, use words." --> You may be the ONLY JESUS some people see their whole lives.
Philippians 1:25-26 Be people that loves His people.

Jonathan's hope was that we would respond to what He's been doing in our lives. Please continue to pray for WMS as we strive to do that, and to be a rep of Jesus to other people.

Dare to be a Disciple, Day 4

Level Up.
Move to the next step! And be discipled. When you become a Christian, you become a LEADER.
We have the ability to set the tone in the room, to be a fragrant aroma, or a bad smell. John5:14, the man changed his LIFESTYLE.
It is important for Christians to put themselves in a position to constantly be discipled. Jonathan said it would be a waste if Western was the only place to be discipled.
He pushed us not to be content where we're at as people, but to constantly advance in maturity and discipleship.
Jonathan challenged: is there an empty seat next to you that needs to be filled by someone to disciple you?
Is there someone who needs you to disciple them?
disciple= learn

Dare to be a Disciple, Day 3

to stand up is to respond to God's love. John 5:8-13 "stand up, pick up your mat and walk!" Jesus commanded the paralytic. Jonathan's message was considered our nudge to stand up, which many people did respond to the call.
Stand up in faith, knowing that God is caring and loving, his HOPE is a promise, not an uncertainty.
Stand up in surrender. That means even your hopes and dreams. We are opposing God by keeping parts of our life from Him. And, we don't have to be identified by our mat, but by who GOD IS!
Stand in commitment. We are committed to a God who is also committed to us.
Whatever you do, do it as a representation of Jesus Christ.

Dare to be a Disciple, Day 2

Tuesday. Grow Up.
We are constantly giving excuses. For example, we have excuses not to give Him our whole life, like what others do and say, and what we do and say. Jonathan reiterated that God is an accepting God, not wanting excuses. Though the paralyzed man had a valid excuse not to get in the pool, is was an excuse nonetheless. Don't we have a God big enough to conquer the IMPOSSIBLE?! Matthew 19:26. This was a push to release what is yours to God, because HE can do much greater things with them!
Jonathan used many examples of impossibilities we as humans see. One is RELATIONAL. He once apologized to a friend, who then didn't acknowledge that he had done anything wrong or accept the apology.
It's our responsibility to repair relationships!
a PHYSICAL impossibility. We serve a healer God (amen?) Luke 7:11.
a SPIRITUAL impossibility. God already knows about our sin, and no sin is too great to be forgiven.

Dare to be a Disciple, Day 1

Sorry it's been a while since I've posted!
This week was our Spiritual Emphasis Week at school (april 23-27). Jonathan from West Salem Four Square came in to speak to us. He was energetic, funny, and really was able to reach out to a lot of the student body to get them involved and attentive. For the week, he used the passage from John 5:1-14 about the paralytic that had been disabled for 38 years.
Entitled 'Show Up', Jonathan shared on Monday what God's heart is for us as his children. Regardless of our performance, God loves us and is beckoning us into His arms. His prayer for us this week was that we would come to know the LOVE God has for us, and to respond to that LOVE. We are accepted by our Father, our Creator, with or without makeup, the coolest shoes, and nice clothes.
Some important points:
Expect God to do things in your life. Show up whether or not you see God working. Matthew 7: ask seek knock. Choose to submit to the Kingdom of God. God is inviting us to show up and be willing to receive love and healing this week.
As Walt Disney said, "To all who come to this happy place, welcome." That's just like the Kingdom of God. It's our invitation.