Wednesday, December 14, 2011

God is with you even through depressing times.

In chapel on Thursday, Charlene Schultz shared her testimony. She started off with asking the question "have you ever wanted to die?". She shared how God was with her even in her most depressing times. Life was going well for her. Everything was too perfect. She knew that something big was going to happen to her because life was going too well. And then she found out that her baby boy was going to die and she couldn't believe it. She was sad and depressed but even when Satan taunted her she could find God through her hardships and there she found hope. Don't believe what Satan tells you, it's not true and just. But God is always trustworthy and faithful and he has your best interest in mind.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

What people see on the outside isn't always what God see's on the inside

In chapel on Thursday the speaker explained how we can be judged for what we look like or act on the outside, but God looks for what counts on the inside. He see's everything about us, he knows exactly what we are thinking and he know's what we are like when no one is watching. He can pull out things about us that we didn't even know were there. God know's everything that is going on in our lives, and if anyone can do it he can take our outside image and show the true beauty that he see's on the inside and leave all the judgments behind.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Praising God with our mouth

In chapel Tuesday the speaker talked about how we should use our mouths with self control. There are two ways to use our mouth, either to praise people up or put them down.
Proverbs 15:4 The tongue that brings healing is a tree of life, but a deceitful tongue crushes the spirit.
Use your tongue with thankfulness; use your tongue for building people up. What could you say to someone today to build them up?

Monday, December 5, 2011

"Don't let the good rob you of the best"

On Thursday Robby talked about Jacob and Esau and how Jacob deceived his brother in order to get his father's blessing. But it came back at Jacob when he wrestled with God in the night, and he realized that by deceiving his brother like he did was against what God had planned, and it robbed him of the best. And because he didn't let God give him the blessing like God had planned. He ripped himself off and it didn't work out when he tried to work it out himself.
Robby also talked about how "we all have dreams but life get in the way." So many excuses..where did our dreams go? There is no way we can reach our dreams without people in our lives. People who support us. You need people around you that will push you onto greatness. You NEED God, you need the one who will never leave you or forsake you. Brothers are brothers for life. Just like brothers God will always be there.