Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Morgan McBride's Talk

So today was really neat because the student body got to hear from one of our own students - Morgan McBride, a sophomore. He shared about the importance of friendship. When his mom dealth with cancer, he had to rely heavily on his friends. Morgan explained what a true friend really is.
We all have our own trials and challenges for a reason, maybe so we can empathize with others who will deal with the same problems later, but overall, trials shape us and make us better people. So many kids our age hide their trials, but Morgan shared good verses about friendship and the importance of having good friends from Proverbs 18:24 and 27:17.
He left us with this thought: We can't take away others' burdens, but isn't helping one person better than helping no one?

Shawn from The People's Church

On Thursday, Shawn came to talk to us about attitudes. Attitudes affect others we don't even know. He used the passage of Numbers 13:26-33 about the spies going to check out new land. Only one came back with a good report. Everyone else's attitude affected the Israelites and made them not want to advance to the new land.  He had 3 points for us:
  1. Our attitude is a choice. people make over 3,500 choices daily! Our response to life dictates our attitudes. Caleb, the spy, responded instead of reacting to the situation.
  2. Nobody is responsible for your attitude but you. This is one of our 3,500 choices we can make daily. When we have a bad attitude, we get frustrated with situations quickly and our perspective changes.
  3. Attitudes affect more than we know! Millions suffered because of those bad reports the spies spent out. We have the opportunity to influence others around us!
  4. Attitude isn't automatically good because we're believers. A bad attitude can easily become a way of life, including complaining and negativity.
How can we have a good attitude? Keep god as our priority, it's taht simple.
How we worship is how we spend our time.