Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Robby's Thanksgiving Talk

Hey guys! It's Thanksgiving break! And that is something I'm deflinitely thankful for :)
Today our dear Robby Gilliam shared with us.
He challanged us to think about what we're actually thankful for. Do we actually think about what we have? Many times we pity party about the cards we've been dealt, or the life and circumstances we've been given. I know I've personally done this.  What we forget is that God can change the game and add a wild card (parallel to poker!!). He's put us in the situations we're in for a purpose.
And we also compare ourselves and our situations to others. We think God is pouring more into others' cups and again, pity party.
Robby challenged us to be thankful for the glass itself, and the fact that God is pouring life into us.
I think it's all about a change of perspective.
In Luke 17:11, the parable of the lepors is told. When all ten men were healed, only one came back to thank Jesus for that healing.
So, it's important to be thankful for the hand we've been dealt.
Philippians 4:4 Rejoice in the Lord ALWAYS. I will say it again: REJOICE!
See? It's all about a change of perspective..
Phil. 4:6, Phil 4:8
Let's be thankful this season for our lives, what God's poured into us and how he cares, and all the material things we have. We have so much to be thankful for!

Friday, November 18, 2011

The Prodigal Son

Yesterday, Steven Gates came to talk to the whole student body. He shared from Luke 15, the story of the lost son coming home. He told the story to make it make sense for us today. Though a few weeks ago someone else preached about the lost son, I felt Gates had different points to share.
1. We are spiritually sick, or dead, without Jesus. Ephesians 2:1
2. We have need. We are in spiritual need because of sin.
3. We have value because we're created by Him uniquely. Ephesians 2:4
4. God's grace. In the parable, the father throws a celebration when his son comes home, not caring that his son squandered his wealth. This is an act of grace because the lost son was found, and he had no rights to forgiveness. Ephesians 2:8
We are undeserving of the grace and life we've been given. I think the point is to live that life full of grace to the fullest.
~ calla, Ministries Chair

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Tuesday, November 15

This Tuesday, Jim Fitz, a farmer who works for the Christian Peacemaking team came to share with the high school students. He has worked with this team in Colombia for 9 years and stands up to both guerilla groups and the paramilitary in Colombia to bring peace in a nonviolent manner. Both of these groups are considered terrorist groups to the U.S. Fitz shared about how 50 soldiers left the paramilitary and became Christians because of these peace making teams. The Christian Peacemaking team simply talks to soldiers in the paramilitary groups and tries to reslove issues with them and the local people peacefully. One point I remember was his point about our enemies. He said not to make the opposing side the enemy, because God is capable of working through them as well. Fitz encouraged us to seek nonviolent ways of problem solving and showed that peacemaking does work. I encourage you as well as the student body to pray for these teams that go to unsafe places that God would keep them safe and that He would work through the people there.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

November 10 High School Chapel

Jonathan from West Salem Four Square Church shared with the high school students this Thursday. He was able to connect with us through humor and shared personal experiences to illustrate his points. Jonathan shared from the passage James 4:13-17. His topic was dreams. He made the point that we don't have control over our future, or of what will happen tomorrow. It is ultimately in God's hands. That means it's important to surrrender your dreams (and life) entirely to Him. Jonathan encouraged the student body to ask God if our dreams match up with His dream for our life. And third, in corrilation with James 4:17, respond to the dream God has for your life! It is exciting that God has a specific dream for each of us and wants us to be obedient and follow that dream.
~ Calla Stinson, Ministries Chair