Thursday, March 31, 2011

Where are you at in this journey? - Dwight Polivka - 3/31/11

Our students had the honor of having Dwight Polivka come out to speak today. He spoke very honestly & candidly about where we all our in our walk with Christ. He put the believer into 7 categories and explored where each student might be.

The students were challenged to live a life of promise, focus, & purity in Christ. Pray for our students to evaluate their faith journey's today.  Pray that they continue to stay strong in their walk. As we approach Spiritual Renewal Week quickly pray that the students continue to hungry & thirst for a deeper encounter with Jesus.

Your Tongue - Midde School (3/30/11)

Today we talked about your tongue & how it has power to bring life or death. So often we hide behind humor, facts, or teasing & we don't realize the damage that it may be causing. The middle school was challenged today to speak life, encouragement, & love! To make the effort to say nice things even we you don't have to. To make the choice to speak into people's lives instead of tear them down.

"Oh, be careful little mouth what you say. Oh, be careful little mouth what you say. Because the Father up above is looking down with love, so be careful little mouth what you say."

Live Dangerously - High School (3/29/11)

We talked today about living out your dreams & passions. So often we have dreams & things that drive us every day, but we wait for something to happen. The students were challenged to live dangerously & to go after their dreams with every day. They were challenged to start living each day with purpose & go after their dreams.

We also talked about how we perceive people around us. The homeless man on the street, the elderly woman trying to cross the street, the guy at a party, the people at school you don't know, etc. What if we lived dangerously & showered those people with love? What if we broke out of our comfortable lives & showed Jesus love all around. I asked the students one question..."Are you willing to live dangerously to chase your dreams & change the world?"